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I first discovered web development in middle school, when I started building my first websites. From that point I knew I wanted to go into web development as a career. When it came time to go to college I couldn't figure out the best path to get where I wanted to go. I started out in a graphic design program at an art school in Colorado. I learned a lot about design and enjoyed my time there, but when I got into the few web design classes they offered the content felt too shallow, I wanted to do more with my sites, not just copy and paste javascript someone else wrote, so I transferred into a Computer Science program at a state school back in Texas. I completed a BS in Computer Science, and went on to complete my MS in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Dallas. I began my career as a developer in 2018 after finishing my masters. I started as a primarily front end developer at RealPage, but I have transitioned into a full stack developer.








RealPage, Inc.

Developer II March 2020 - Present
Developer I April 2018 - March 2020
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Kentico
  • C#/ASP.Net
  • SCSS
  • .Net Core/Entity Framework/MOQ
  • SQL Server/SQL
  • Vue 3/Vuex/Jest
  • Azure Devops
  • Agile Development
  • Collaborate with agile development team to test, develop and maintain websites and custom cms.
  • Work with quality assurance team to provide testing criteria and quickly resolve any issues.
  • Assist clients and internal staff with troubleshooting to quickly and effectively resolve software issues.
  • Collaborate closely with product managers and implementations to keep projects on track and meet anticipated deadlines.
  • Work in team environment to produce high-quality websites for real estate industry.
  • Participate in team meetings and provide input on deadlines, designs and enhancements.
  • Contribute back-end development experience and collaborate on multiple APIs crucial to functionality.
  • Participate in pre-project analysis and technical assessments to develop user-friendly interface and correct functionality to meet business objectives.
  • Review project specifications and devise solutions for use across multiple websites.
  • Maintain Git repos for multiple projects; perform code reviews, pull requests, create, delete, and merge branches, and manage deploys across environments.
  • Participate in agile ceremonies: sprint planning, retrospectives, grooming sessions
  • Participate in interviewing potential developers and evaluating coding assignments.
  • Create and maintain documentation for new and legacy projects as well as new hire orientation/training.
  • Train and mentor developers new to the team or project.
  • Website Template Creation (Kentico CMS) April 2018 - October 2021
    Kentico, HTML, CSS, jQuery
    Built both standard and custom website templates that are responsive and able to accommodate dynamic data. Most templates were built using invision design files provided by the design team.
  • Website CMS Maintenance/Enhancements April 2018 - Current
  • Widget Creation/Maintenance/Enhancements April 2018 - Current
    C#/ASP.Net, jQuery, CSS, SCSS, HTML
    Widgets include items such as photo galleries, amenity lists, headers, footers, neighborhood maps, etc.
  • Datafixes and Schema Changes (as needed) January 2019 - Current
    SQL Server, SQL
  • CMS MVP September 2019 - November 2019
    .Net Core MVC, Razor, SQL, CSS, JavaScript
    This project was a proof of concept that was ultimately scraped. I built out the login page, the header/nav bar integration with another team, and a configuration page.
  • Website API August 2020 - January 2021
    C#/.Net Core, MOQ (Unit Tests), Entity, SQL, Postman, Swagger
    Added endpoints, unit tests, database models, and refactored the API to move all business logic to the service layer to separate concerns and aid in effectively unit testing all business logic.
  • Admin Rewrite for Standalone Widget November 2021 - Current
    Vue 3, Vuex, Jest (Unit Tests), SCSS, HTML, JavaScript
    Rewrite of an application built by another developer in .Net MVC into Vue 3. Skeleton was built by a senior dev, I have built much of the functionality, UI, and all Unit Tests


University of Texas at Dallas

MS Computer Science December 2017

Texas A&M - Commerce

BS Computer Science May 2013